When the People Decide

Introducing: Democracy Decoded

Episode Summary

This week, we bring you another ballot initiative story from the Democracy Decoded podcast, a production of the Campaign Legal Center.

Episode Notes

Why does American Democracy look the way it does today and how can we make it more responsive to the people it was formed to serve? Democracy Decoded,  a podcast by Campaign Legal Center, examines our government and discusses innovative ideas that could lead to a stronger, more transparent, accountable and inclusive democracy. 

This episode focuses on on a recent election n Maine, where one of the holes in our campaign finance laws allowed a foreign government to funnel enormous sums of money into a ballot measure election — completely legally. Host Simone Leeper speaks with Richard Bennett, a Republican state senator from Maine; Kyle Bailey, Campaign Manager for Protect Maine Elections and a former state representative; and AaRon McKean, legal counsel for state and local reform at Campaign Legal Center.


Protect Maine Elections